Alleviate Infections
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Facts about
Alleviate Infections
A few facts and some key information, if you cannot find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How do I know if I am experiencing a dental infection?
Are you suffering from any of the following symptoms?
- Pain that just won’t quit
- Presence of pus around the affected area
- Unpleasant taste in your mouth
- Difficulty eating or chewing
- Teeth feeling loose
- Fever or elevated body temperature
- Feeling unusually tired or lethargic
When it comes to dental infections, they can affect various parts of your oral cavity:
What are the different types of dental infections?
- Your teeth
- Your gums
- The surrounding tissues around your mouth and face
These infections can manifest in two main ways:
How do acute and chronic infections differ?
Acute infection: Hits fast and hard, causing sudden pain and swelling
Chronic infection: Develops slowly and may not cause pain
You might have heard the term “Dental Abscess” tossed around – it’s just another name for a type of dental infection.
What should I do if I suspect an acute infection?
Don’t delay – get in touch with your dentist right away for prompt evaluation and treatment.
When should I seek immediate medical attention?
If you’re experiencing severe difficulty breathing or swallowing along with symptoms of a dental infection, don’t wait – call 999 or head to A&E immediately.
Treatment for dental infections typically involves accessing and removing the source of the infection. In severe cases or when there’s a delay in treatment, antibiotics may also be prescribed to help combat the infection.
Don’t let dental infections linger – seek professional care to ensure your oral health stays on track.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get the relief you need.